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Good Habits: Part 1-Offer All You Got

"So here is what I want you to do, God helping you. Take your everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, your eating, going to work, and walking around life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him."

-Romans 12:1 MSG

Habit of Offering

We must make a habit of offering our lives to God despite how little we may have. This way, when we have plenty, we will remain confident that our wealth is from God and not from our own accomplishments. Our offerings to God are not always monetary, and are never needed. God does not need anything from us, but desires our hearts.

When I was 5 years old, I had no money and 6 Barbie’s. It was my dad's 31st birthday and I wanted to get him a gift. Not because I felt like I had to in order for him to love me. I was 5, I assumed everyone loved me. My dad was on his way home from work and my mom had bought gifts "from all of us."


This would not work. I wanted to give my dad something FROM ME. So, being the frugal yet sophisticated child I was, I waltzed into my dad's closet, picked out one of his ties and thought "This is perfect. He will love this."

I wrapped it up in paper towels, because wrapping paper was not in the budget for me, and placed it on the table of gifts my mom had wrapped.

When my dad opened my gift he said it was just what he wanted!

A tie he already owned.

My dad didn't need anything from me, unless he was in the market for Stacey...the brunette Barbie everyone forgets about and is often the subject of experimental haircuts.

The point is, my dad loved the gift because he knew, even though I had nothing to give him, I still wanted to give. To offer whatever I could to the person who gives me more than I deserve.

Our almighty God needs nothing and requires nothing. What He wants is our hearts. His love never stops, so why should we? Whether we have 6 dollars or 6 Barbies, there is always room to offer God praise. None of us are the same, but we all have reasons to praise God. For He made each of us with the same hand, the same unconditional love that none of us deserve. Make offering a habit, and giving soon becomes an involunary response regardless of the circumstance.

"Embracing what God has done for you is the best thing we can do for him."

This is an offering. This is worship.

Make it a habit.

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