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God is the Cool Mom

Longing for God's House

"How I love your Temple, Lord Almighty! 2 How I want to be there! I long to be in the Lord's Temple. With my whole being I sing for joy to the living God. 3 Even the sparrows have built a nest, and the swallows have their own home; they keep their young near your altars, Lord Almighty, my king and my God. 4 How happy are those who live in your Temple, always singing praise to you."

Psalm 84:1-4

I recently went back home for a few days to see the parents. Well, technically I came home to see Shania Twain in her final concert, but lets give me the benefit of the doubt and say I was there to see the people who gave me life. Being home is a wonderful thing for many reasons. One of them being showers. Showering at home is an event. It's like living in a Bath and Body Works. There are options for shampoo and conditioner. Do I want Vanilla Citrus, or Moroccan oil? Gee I don't know, let me ask the zero people I'm sharing this bathroom with.

Food is another gift when I am home. The fridge isn't a place to find nourishment. It's a recreational sport. There is produce...oh the produce. I look at a bowl of grapes and whisper to them softly "Hello grapes, I have missed you. Remind me what eating food from the earth is like." I am in the Garden of Eden.

Let's also talk about the bed. My bed at home has so many pillows I sleep like one of those porcelain baby angel cupids you see at the check out counter at Hallmark. I am floating on a cloud. No one can bother me. My work, my emails, my to-dos....all far far away...

God's house is better than all of this.

We get to spend the rest of our lives on earth rejoicing because when we enter the gates of heaven, we enter the House of God. And God is not going to be the host who doesn't let you eat in your bed or sit on the kitchen counter. God is the cool mom. He will let you have all your friends over at the last minute. He will let you live in a messy room because you swear you know where everything is. God's house is a home. God's Kingdom is so majestically wonderful we can't even imagine it. We cannot picture one pixel of His Kingdom because nothing like it exists in our human understanding of living.

God's Kingdom is perfect. And it is waiting for us.

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