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When You Give a Mouse the Gospel

"Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, 'How can I help?'” Romans 15:1-2

I am new to the adult world. Adulthood looked so cool in the William Sonoma catalog, but upon my first tribulation I panicked and sought refuge with a career councilor. I had run out of my own knowledge and strength and needed to seek help from a resource beyond my abilities. So now I go to my career councilor frequently because nothing is better than having someone tell you to get your life together over a cinnamon dolce latte.

Though I initiated our first meeting, I developed a habit of reaching out to her because she maintained a relationship with me after our first meeting. She followed up with me, checked on my progress, and assisted me with interviews and meetings. She did not meet me once, assume I was fixed, and forget me.

So now, even when I struggle with career paths and job choices, I have an underlying knowledge of the foundations of the working world and am more confident in my abilities to achieve a career I truly desire.

When we meet a new believer, they often have a lot of questions. Once you tell them who Jesus is, they want to know why He left. Once they know why He left, they want to know when He's coming back. When you tell them you don't know when he's coming back, they panic and declare Christianity too confusing to pursue, and you've already left to meet your friends at Panera to discuss the song order of your band's new EP.

And this new Christian is left thinking Christianity is some unattainable lifestyle they will never have.

Give new Christians the Gospel, then keep giving them the Gospel.

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. – Philippians 1:6

When a new Christian's "Spiritual High" wears off and they are facing a true challenge, their faith may still be wavering, and they may need someone to reassure them that their faith is still viable. They need to know Christians still face trials, but we approach these trials with the knowledge that Jesus has the best plan for us, and will not be overcome by the sorrows of this world. Our lives will be carried on to completion. Though this is often common knowledge for older Christians, new Christians must be surrounded in love and encouragement as they enter a new wonderful life that requires vulnerability with a God they didn't even know before.

Follow up:

I encourage you to follow up with a new Christian you may know. Send a text, email, letter, and phone call, encouraging them to stay the path of righteousness even when the path is narrow and lonely, for they are never alone in Christ.

If you don't know any new Christians, I encourage you to introduce the love of Jesus to someone today. In your own special way, may God be your tongue and the keeper of your heart.

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