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Caught Up in Worship...(Not forced into it)

"Then I looked, and, oh!—a door open into Heaven. The trumpet-voice, the first voice in my vision, called out, “Ascend and enter. I’ll show you what happens next.”

2-6 I was caught up at once in deep worship and, oh!—a Throne set in Heaven with One Seated on the Throne, suffused in gem hues of amber and flame with a nimbus of emerald. Twenty-four thrones circled the Throne, with Twenty-four Elders seated, white-robed, gold-crowned. Lightning flash and thunder crash pulsed from the Throne. Seven fire-blazing torches fronted the Throne (these are the Sevenfold Spirit of God). Before the Throne it was like a clear crystal sea.

6-8 Prowling around the Throne were Four Animals, all eyes. Eyes to look ahead, eyes to look behind. The first Animal like a lion, the second like an ox, the third with a human face, the fourth like an eagle in flight. The Four Animals were winged, each with six wings. They were all eyes, seeing around and within. And they chanted night and day, never taking a break:

Holy, holy, holyIs God our Master, Sovereign-Strong,The Was, The Is, The Coming." -Revelation 4:1-8

It’s no surprise that Revelations was written by John. Most biblical scholars agree that John was the closest person to Jesus, in other words, John and Jesus were two peas in a pod. John followed Jesus everyday for three years. THREE YEARS. Can you imagine being with someone for three years? (All you married people are like “You’re tellin me.”)

John was completely enthralled by Jesus. He followed Jesus everywhere. He went to sleep, and Jesus was there, he woke up, and Jesus was there. Jesus was such an integral part of John’s life that he, no doubt, missed Jesus terribly once He was in heaven. So what a beautiful gift for John to be the one to receive the visions of God’s throne and to share with us our destiny to spend eternity with Jesus. It is Jesus’ gift to John after Jesus is taken into heaven. As if Jesus is saying, “John, you were my best friend, and I know you miss me. Here is a vision of what is to come, and where you will be, with me.”


Have you ever been so caught up in something that you lose track of time or forget about everything else? If not, don’t read this because you’re clearly supernatural and should be saving people from house fires or something. I got caught up in a show called Mad Men. This show completely took over my life. I was crazy about it. My friend tried to get my attention while I was watching it, and it was only when she began interpretive dancing with a spatula that I noticed.

I was so caught up in Mad Men that I didn’t even notice my surroundings!

John’s worship was like this.

John was so caught up in worship, not because God forced him through spells and tricks, but because John was crazy about Jesus. He was so crazy about Jesus that he simply got caught up in worshipping Him!

May our relationship with Jesus be so deep and so enthralling that we simply can’t contain our praise for Him. May we get so caught up in worshipping Him that we lose track of time and maybe, for a moment, cease to notice our surroundings.

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