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When Your Miracle is Average.

“1-2First this: God created the Heavens and Earth—all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss.3-5

God spoke: “Light!”And light appeared.God saw that light was goodand separated light from dark.God named the light Day,he named the dark Night.It was evening, it was morning—Day One.6-8

God spoke: “Sky! In the middle of the waters;separate water from water!”God made sky.He separated the water under skyfrom the water above sky.And there it was:he named sky the Heavens;It was evening, it was morning—Day Two."

-Genesis 1:1-8

And we know how the story ends. God created land, plants, stars, sun, moon, fish and birds. The whole nine yards. Miracles we witness everyday and often think nothing about.

I turn to God for a lot. Maybe it’s because I’m an aspiring pastor, but most likely it’s because I’m just emotional unstable like the rest of you.

I admit to praying in the middle of an exam hoping God will send Gabriel to distract the teacher while I escape.

But often times I find myself praying for divine miracles and extravagant signs to assure me of my path or decision. I so frequently pray to God for these extreme miracles they write Buzzfeed articles about.

But what would happen if we treated the average day as a miracle. As a gift we do not deserve or understand. Because that is exactly what it is!

Today is beautiful and extraordinary.

This day is incomprehensible.

All the things that must happen in order for today to exist are infinite.

Look around today and soak up all the colors in your sky, people in your life, smells in your house, texts in your phone.

This seemingly average day is a supernatural miracle.


This day, in your life, is a miracle just for you.

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